These are the science units covered within each grade level using the program STEMscopes.


Unit 1 - Growth, Development, and Reproduction of Organisms.

Unit 2 - Matter and Energy in Ecosystems

Unit 3 - Interdependent Relationships in Ecosystems

Unit 4 - Forces and Motion

Unit 5 - Types of Interactions

Unit 6 - Astronomy

Unit 7 - Weather and Climate


Unit 1 - Structures and Properties of Matter

Unit 2 - Interactions of Matter

Unit 3 - Chemical Reactions

Unit 4 - Structure and Function

Unit 5 - Body Systems

Unit 6 - Inheritance and Variations of Traits

Unit 7 - Organization for Matter and Energy Flow in Organisms

Unit 8 - Earth Systems


Unit 1 - Evidence of Common Ancestry

Unit 2 - Selection and Adaptation

Unit 3 - Stability and Change on Earth

Unit 4 - Human Impacts

Unit 5 - Relationships among Forms of Energy

Unit 6 - Thermal Energy

Unit 7 - Electromagnetic Spectrum

Each middle school class will also participate in an enrichment program called Genius Hour. During that time students will work on projects that they choose based on personal interests. These activities can be research based, skill based, or product based depending on your child's ideas. For more information, please visit the Genius Hour Website