Board of Education

Board of Education

  • Michele Cone Ed.D.: Chief School Administrator
  • Mr. Christopher Keiser:  President
  • Mr. Michael Reaves: Vice President
  • Ms. Rebecca Kipp-Newbold
  • Mrs. Rita Lemley
  • Mr. Netz Sacro
  • Mr. Matthew Herzer: Business Administrator/ Board Secretary

All correspondence for the Califon Board of Education should be directed to the BOE Secretary, Matthew Herzer, at


Standing Committee Chairpersons & Members 

***Please note that the first member listed is the chair.

  • Finance, Facilities & Transportation:  Mr. Christopher Keiser-  Mr. Netz Sacro
  • Legislation & Policy:  Ms. Rebecca Kipp-Newbold - Mr. Netz Sacro
  • Curriculum & Instruction:  Ms. Rita Lemley - Ms. Rebecca Kipp-Newbold 
  • Personnel:  Ms. Rita Lemley - Mr. Michael Reaves
  • Negotiations:  Mr. Michael ReavesMr. Christopher Keiser 
  • N.J.S.B.A. Delegates : Ms. Rebecca  Kipp- Newbold
  • Hunterdon / Warren SBA - Ms. Rebecca Kipp- Newbold  
  • Hunterdon County (ESC) -Mr. Christopher Keiser

Califon Board of Education regular meeting dates are the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 7:00 pm in the Califon Public school unless otherwise noted below.


2023-2024 Meeting Schedule


January 17, 2024  

February 14, 2024

March 20, 2024

Cancelled April 17, 2024

April 24, 2024 - Public Hearing *

May14, 2024* Tuesday

June 18, 2024

Cancelled July 17, 2024

August 21, 2024

September 18, 2024

October 16, 2024

November 20, 2024

December 18, 2024

January 8, 2024 Reorganization Meeting*






Please read:


Board Meeting Public Comment Guidelines

Anyone wishing to speak before the board may do so during the public commentary portion of the agenda.  The presenter shall give his/her name and address and make the presentation as brief as possible.  All comments will be acknowledged by the Board and if applicable, will be answered during the Board Comment section of the meeting.  Unless an extension of time is given, each speaker shall be limited to 3 minutes.   Speakers may offer suggestions or express their concerns. However, in public session, the board will not discuss concerns about individual students or staff members. Other, more appropriate, channels are available for expressing concerns about individual students or staff members.  Written comments may be submitted in writing prior to the meeting via email to or via mail to Califon Public School, 6 School Street, Califon, NJ  07830. Correspondence must be received no later than 12:00 noon on the day of the meeting. Both written and verbal comments must adhere to the 3 minute rule.  Written correspondence will be read aloud until the time limit has been reached. Duplicate comments will not be read but will be noted during the meeting. The Board President may terminate the remarks of any individual, when they do not adhere to the rules established above.